How to Set News Years Goals with The Dream Life Journal

In this post, I wanted to walk you through how to use The Dream Life Journal to set and keep News Years goals in 2025.

The New Year is a popular time to set personal goals, start new habits and set an intention for the 12 months ahead. However, it’s no secret that a LOT of people give up their new habits just as quickly as they set them - usually because they don’t invest in the right tools!

The Dream Life guided journal is a personal growth tool that provides clear roadmap for your journey, helps you to stay motivated and holds you accountable. It is the ultimate life hack for sticking to your goals and seeing real improvement.

The Dream Life journal is a multi-faceted workbook that can be tailored to meet your individual needs. In this guide, I will explain how to use the journal specifically for New Years goal setting - head to the ‘journaling’ section of my site to find other helpful guides.

Step 1: Carve out your dream life

Before you set goals or create New Years resolutions, you should spend time using parts 1 and 2 of the journal to determine what your dream life looks like.

This step is all about being crystal clear on what you want, determining what success looks like and understanding your end point (which is vital for avoiding overwhelm!).

As I’ve already mentioned, parts 1 and 2 of the journal are ideal for this. Each section provides helpful prompts and activities to help you understand what you want to get out of the goals that you set - it’s important that you know your ‘why’.

If you want to take things a step further, read my blog post about how to visualize your dream life.

Here, I share actionable ways to understand what your dream life looks like that will help you to get a clear picture of what you want - you might even realize something that you don’t know yet!

Step 2: Set SMART goals

Now it’s time to head to part 4 of the Dream Life Journal.

Setting SMART goals is all about setting goals are are actionable, meaningful and realistic (amongst other things). These criteria help you to set goals that are actually possible to achieve, which makes it easier to stay motivated and track your progress.

Part 4 of the journal walks you through exactly how to set these goals in a way that is meaningful to you.

It is important that you get this right from the start. Effective goal setting sets you up for success down the line. It’s like laying the foundations for a building - the stronger, the better!

SMART goals are great, but they’re not for everyone. If you prefer more holistic approaches to personal growth, check out this new goal setting framework that I came across the other day!

Step 3: Build Good Habits

Our habits are the driving force behind our lives. If your day is filled with good habits, you are more likely to achieve success and build a fulfilling life for yourself.

On the other hand, if you fall victim to bad habits, you may find it tricky to reach your full potential.

Part 8 of The Dream Life Journal is all about building healthy habits that set you up for success.

This part of the journal is one of my personal favorites. It walks you through a tried-and-tested framework that will help you to build habits that allow you to effortlessly achieve your goals and level up your life.

Tiny changes can have a HUGE different on the person that you will be by the end of the year.

If you are feeling inspired, here are 5 simple habits that you can start today (use the tracker on page 61 to hold yourself accountable!)

  1. Set a daily intention

  2. Walk for 30 minutes each day

  3. Read 1 chapter of a self help book (here are my favourites!)

  4. Do a 2 minute morning self reflection

  5. Compliment one stranger each day

I recommend starting with 1 habit and using habit stacking to make it stick before building up your toolkit of healthy habits.

Try to focus on building habits that align with your goals.

Step 4: Staying on track

Part 15 of The Dream Life journal provides actionable tips for staying on track with your News Years goals.

This part if the journal is SUPER helpful if you’re prone to falling off track. It walks you through developing a personalized strategy to help you stick to your goals and get back on track when things don’t go to plan.

This section also offers ‘quick fixes’ for shifting your mindset when things go wrong so that you don’t derail yourself.

Step 5: Aligning your actions with your purpose

Part 26 (the second to last section of The Dream Life guided journal) covers everything that you need to know about aligning your actions with your purpose.

This simple switch in your daily routine can help you to effortlessly manifest your dream life - it’s like putting yourself on auto-pilot to achieve your goals.

By aligning your actions with your purpose, you can ensure that you are doing something every single day towards the life that you dream of. You can think of it a bit like rewiring yourself to strive for what you truly want, rather than postponing your dream life by acting in a way that doesn’t align with it.

The Dream Life Journal is the perfect tool for setting and sticking to New Years goals in 2025. Whether you want to advance in your career strengthen your personal relationships or star business, this framework ensures that you ave everything you need to achieve success.

Ruby Layram

Ruby is the founder of The Elevate Edit. She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Winchester and previously volunteered with Mind where she helped people to improve their mental health. As well as running The Elevate Edit, Ruby contributes regularly to a number of personal finance publications including The Motley Fool UK and MoneyMagpie UK.


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