6 Ways To Be More Productive on Your Lunch Break As a Girl With Big Plans
The rise of remote working has meant that lunch breaks are no longer about catching up with your office besties. Instead, many of spend our lunch times scrolling on our phones or walking from one coffee shop to another.
With social lunch breaks a thing of the past, some remote workers skip the break altogether and instead choose to eat lunch at their desk in return for an early finish.
However, by doing this you could be missing out on a great opportunity to work towards your long-term goals. Instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone or skipping your break altogether, you could use that hour of free time for tasks that will benefit your future self.
Learning how to use my lunchbreak efficiently was a game-changer for me!
In this post, I thought I would share five days that you could make the most of your lunch break as a girl with big plans!
See also:
How Could You Use Your Lunch Break To Be More Productive?
First up, you need to decide exactly how you want to use your lunch break to achieve your goals.
For some people, this might be using your lunch break for mindfulness, journalling or goal setting. For others, a productive lunch break might mean earning money through micro-tasking, freelancing, or paid surveys.
The type of ‘level up’ task really depends on what you would find the most useful.
At the start on my online business journey, I used my lunch breaks to complete paid work for my side hustles. Now, I use my lunch breaks for brainstorming, content planning and learning!
Here are some ideas for how you could use your lunch break to work on your goals.
1. Listen to an educational podcast
Using your lunch break doesn’t mean chaining yourself to your laptop. One great way to use your lunch break as a future girl boss is to listen to an educational podcast or YouTube video.
You could do this whilst grabbing or a coffee or going for a walk outside.
I have learnt SO much from podcasts over the last few months. Some of my current favourites for online business girls include:
Working Hard or Hardly Working by Grace Beverly
The Niche Pursuits Podcast
Marketing and Margaritas
Radical Disruption by Mya Nichol
The Financial Feminist podcast
2. Take paid surveys
Another productive way to use your lunch break, if you need to raise funds for a business venture or investing, it to take paid surveys. These are relatively simple online tasks that reward you with a couple of dollars for each survey that you complete.
From my experience, most surveys pay around $3 (some more and some less). If you take 2 each day on your lunch break, you could earn an extra $30 per week of $120 per month to go toward your long-term goals.
Some of the best paid online surveys pay up to $20 per survey which makes this a very lucrative way to spend your lunch break.
The good think about paid surveys is that you can do them from your phone. This means that you can earn money whilst going for a lunch break walk.
3. Planning and admin
Another way that you could use your lunch break to be more productive is to use the time to complete planning and admin.
This could mean planning social media content, replying to emails or brainstorming ideas for your goals. This is one of my favorite ways to spend my lunch breaks and its a really nice way to break up the day!
You could take yourself to your favorite coffee shop with your planner or use the notes app on your phone and plan as you walk. You could also use our digital planner on your phone to plan as you go.
4. Networking
If you don’t enjoy spending your lunch breaks alone. you could use the time for a little networking. Consider reaching out to other women in your area who share similar goals or lifestyles as you do. You could ask them to lunch or for a coffee.
Not only is this a great way to meet new people, but networking is great for learning new things that could help you to achieve your goals.
But, how do you find people to ‘network’ with?
I love Instagram for this! Search up relevant hashtags and look for posts with location tags in an area close to yours. It may take some time to find the right people but they will always show up eventually.
Get your daily workout in
If you’re a gym gal like me, you could use your lunch break to fit in your daily workout.
I like to do this on particularly busy days when I need to move my body and escape work mode for 60 minutes. If heading to the gym is too time-consuming, you could do a little yoga flow or short pilates workout to get your blood flowing and clear your head.
5. Engage on social channels
If you’re currently trying to grow on social media, you could use your lunch breaks for some serious engagement! Spend time commenting, liking and interesting with your target audience to grow your following and increase your reach.
Dedicating 60 minutes a day for engagement is key to growing on social media.
Also see: How to use social media to grow your online business
This is also a very easy activity to do on your lunch break that shouldn’t seem too taxing or boring. There is a high chance that you already use social media on your lunch break anyway so why not make it productive?
6. Meditation
If you would prefer to use your lunch break for down time, you could consider practicing a daily meditation. Mediation is used by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs as a way of clearing their minds and finding alignment.
You could take yourself to a quite spot in your home office or engage in a walking meditation. This is an excellent way to unwind on your lunch break whilst doing something that will be really beneficial in the long run!
I personally like walking meditation the best. You can find a range of free tracks on Spotify or YouTube.
Final thoughts
Being productive on my lunch breaks has really helped me to be able to juggle my full-time job, online business and growing my social media. Finding an effective way to use that extra hour is transformative to your day-to-day routine.
Of course, it is important that you give yourself time to unwind during the day to avoid burnout and exhaustion. However, as a girl with big plans, the extra 60 minutes can make a huge difference!
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