8 Simple Steps to Find Inner Peace Today
Inner peace is a state of mental and emotional tranquility - the ability to stay calm and optimistic even during the toughest of challenges. Achieving this tranquil state is the secret to lasting happiness and that feeling of content that everyone is so desperate to find.
Between work deadlines, family drama, never-ending notifications, and trying to remember if you actually drank enough water today, it’s easy to feel like inner peace is some mythical unicorn that’s just out of reach. But here’s the truth: inner peace isn’t about escaping life’s chaos—it’s about finding calm within it.
In this post, I will share how to find inner peace in 8 simple steps that won’t feel too overwhelming or unattainable.
1. Declutter Your Mind (and Maybe Your Junk Drawer Too)
Let’s start with a little mental spring cleaning, shall we? A cluttered mind is like a messy closet—you know there’s a lot in there, but good luck finding anything useful.
First, grab a journal and do a quick brain dump. Write down everything that’s swirling around in your head, from big worries (“Will I ever get that promotion?”) to random thoughts (“Do I need to buy avocados?”). Getting it all out on paper helps you clear mental space and, surprisingly, can make you feel lighter almost instantly.
Next, try focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking is a total inner-peace killer—it tricks you into thinking you’re getting more done, but really, it just makes your brain work overtime.
Start practicing single-tasking by setting a timer for 20 minutes and dedicating that time to just one thing. No switching tabs. No checking your phone. Just you and the task at hand.
And, if you’re feeling ambitious, tackle some physical clutter too. Clearing out that junk drawer or organizing your closet can be oddly therapeutic. Plus, outer order often leads to inner calm.
2. Work On Your Breathing
Okay, I know this sounds obvious—breathing is kind of a non-negotiable—but hear me out. Most of us are shallow breathers, and that’s a fast track to stress-ville.
When you’re feeling frazzled, take a minute to focus on your breath.
Try this: inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold for four, and then exhale slowly through your mouth for six.
Repeat this a few times, and I promise you’ll feel calmer in less than a minute. It’s like a mini reset button for your brain.
If you want to take it up a notch, explore breathwork. There are tons of free guided sessions on YouTube or apps like Insight Timer. Breathwork isn’t just a wellness trend—it’s backed by science to reduce anxiety, improve focus, and yes, help you find that elusive inner peace.
Pro tip: Set a reminder on your phone to pause and breathe a few times a day. Because let’s be real, we all forget when life gets busy.
3. Move Your Body, Change Your Mood
You don’t need to be a gym rat or run a marathon to reap the benefits of movement. Even a 10-minute walk around the block can work wonders for your mood and mental clarity.
Exercise releases feel-good endorphins that act like natural stress-busters. Plus, moving your body helps you shake off any pent-up tension or frustration.
So, whether it’s a yoga session, a dance party in your kitchen, or just stretching in your pajamas, find a way to get your body moving today.
And if you’re really not feeling it? Start small. Tell yourself you’ll move for just five minutes. Once you get going, you’ll probably want to keep going. And even if you don’t, hey, five minutes is better than none. Celebrate the win, no matter how small.
4. Unplug to Recharge
We live in a world where it’s normal to have a mobile phone in our hands for 80% of the day. But here’s the thing: constant scrolling, notifications, and endless group chats can leave your brain feeling overstimulated and frazzled.
Give yourself permission to unplug, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. Put your phone on “Do Not Disturb,” close your laptop, and let yourself be fully present in the moment. Use this time to do something offline—read a book, take a bath, or just sit and stare out the window.
If the thought of going completely phone-free makes you break out in a sweat, start small. Try putting your phone in another room during dinner or setting app limits for social media. Little changes can make a big difference.
And let’s be real, that email or Instagram post will still be there later. Your peace of mind? That’s worth prioritizing right now.
5. Practice Gratitude (Even When Life Feels Messy)
Gratitude is like a magic wand for your mindset—it shifts your focus from what’s wrong to what’s right. And the best part? It’s super easy to start.
Take two minutes at the beginning or end of your day to jot down three things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be profound; even small wins count, like “the coffee was amazing this morning” or “my coworker didn’t annoy me today.”
You can also weave gratitude into your daily routine. While you’re brushing your teeth or waiting for your coffee to brew, think about someone or something you’re thankful for. It’s a simple practice, but it can completely rewire your brain to notice the good stuff more often.
And hey, if you’re feeling extra sappy, share your gratitude with the people in your life. A quick “Hey, I appreciate you” text can make someone’s day—and yours too.
6. Set Boundaries
Let’s talk about boundaries, because honestly? They’re the ultimate self-care move. Saying “no” to things that drain you is basically saying “yes” to your inner peace.
Start by identifying what’s been stressing you out lately. Is it overcommitting to plans? Answering work emails at 10 p.m.? Once you know your triggers, set clear boundaries around them.
For example, “I won’t check emails after 7 p.m.” or “I’ll only say yes to plans that genuinely excite me.”
And yes, I know—it can feel awkward at first. But the people who truly care about you will respect your boundaries. And for those who don’t? Well, that’s their problem, not yours. You’re busy protecting your peace, babe.
Remember: boundaries aren’t walls; they’re bridges to healthier relationships—with others and yourself.
7. Embrace Imperfection
Let me hit you with a hard truth: perfection is a myth. Chasing it is like running on a hamster wheel—you’ll exhaust yourself and still end up in the same place.
Instead of striving for perfection, aim for progress. Celebrate the little wins, even if they’re messy. Didn’t meditate for 30 minutes? That’s okay—five minutes still counts. Ate a whole pizza instead of a salad? Girl, same. Life is about balance, not a rigid checklist of dos and don’ts.
When you let go of the need to have everything “just right,” you create space for peace.
So, next time you catch yourself spiraling over something not being perfect, pause and ask, “Does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?” Spoiler alert: it probably doesn’t.
8. Let Go of the Need to Control Others (Inspired by The Let Them Theory)
Let’s have a real moment here: trying to control other people’s behavior is like trying to stop the tide with a teaspoon.
It’s exhausting, frustrating, and it doesn’t work. Enter The Let Them Theory, a simple yet transformative mindset shift.
Instead of stressing over what other people do, say, or think, practice letting them.
Let them make their choices, let them have their opinions, and let them live their lives—even if you wouldn’t do it the same way.
This doesn’t mean you don’t care; it means you’re choosing to release the emotional weight of trying to control what’s out of your hands. The freedom that comes with this approach? It’s pure peace.
When you stop reacting to every little thing and focus on your behavior instead, you’ll notice how much lighter and calmer life feels.
Trust me, the only person you’re responsible for is you, and that’s more than enough.
Next steps
Inner peace isn’t some far-off destination or a luxury reserved for yogis and monks. It’s something you can cultivate today by taking small, intentional steps.
Start by decluttering your mind, focusing on your breath, and moving your body. Then, unplug, practice gratitude, and set boundaries to protect your energy. Finally, give yourself permission to be imperfect and let go of the need to control things that are outside of your control.
I would love to know how you get on in your journey to find inner peace! Comment below.